Through The Wire


With all the reality (and “celebreality”) shows, get-rich-quick game shows, and talented/untalented people trying to become overnight stars… I can’t really name a lot of things on TV that I was crazy about during this decade.

Let’s see: I liked the Making The Band episodes with “Da Band”. Cold Case became a late favorite, after I took forever to catch on to it. Chappelle’s Show is eternally classic. Two & A Half Men cracks me up. VH1 had some good shit before it got overrun with a gang of shows featuring people who all belonged together on The Surreal Life. For the most part, I was “blah” on TV, mostly because I couldn’t even find the shows I DID like without clickin’ thru a bunch of wack shit. But when I did find something that I wanted to tune in for every week, it was rewarding. Case in point: The Wire.

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